Saturday, September 5, 2009

Blessings come in many forms.....

Today was not what most people would call a particular "Prosperous" day at Cassy's.
However, it was filled with many blessings throughout the day. For me it was the perfect awareness of when you send out Light & Blessings- it circles back around. And today it seemed that the energy came full circle for many people who "stopped by" in many wonderful exchanges; gifts of plants, rocks, old friends & new ones, hugs, knowledge, gratitude, healing, friendship, hope, joy, laughter, & new opportunities to give and share even more "blessings". (and I can't forget the box of doughnuts either!!)
Whenever one of the men at the prison has a wonderful "blessing" come to them in some form or fashion(usually in the form of a renewed connection to loved ones) I remind them that the Light and Blessings that they have been putting forth has in turn "blessed" them.
So for every blessing that was given and received today, I give gratitude.
Blessings to you today and everyday~

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