To Blog or not to blog......
This has been the burning question over the past several months for me.
During my meditation this morning I was reminded of my quote that I have been "tossing out" to the people around me the last few months: "It is our Divine right to be whole;It is our Divine obligation to share that wholeness with the world". I believe that our lives are a journey to wholeness , which is achieved through our experiences. Every experience we have is a gift, whether or not we realize it at the time. It is through sharing those experiences with others that we in turn help them to grow, heal and move forward on their paths to wholeness.
We are all teachers & healers on some level, in some form. Sometimes it's just letting someone know that they are not alone in what they are experiencing, or perhaps offerring an insight that might enable them to maneuver more easily, and other times it may just be giving them confirmation on what they are already feeling and know in their heart......
Whatever the case may be, my mother use to say that we are the "Spiritual Johnny Appleseed's" of life....So I share the seeds that come my way with all of you- and it is up to you which ones you choose to discard and which ones you wish to nurture, grow, & pass on to others.
A young girl shared this song and I would like to pass it on..
"She changes everything she touches,& everything she touches changes...
strand by strand, hand over hand, thread by thread- we weave our web.....
Weave & spin ,weave & spin this is how our work begins.....
Mend & heal ,mend & heal- Take the DREAM and make it REAL......."